Refund and Returns Policy

You have the option to return your items within 3 days of receiving them. Once we receive your return package, please allow up to 10 days for us to process your return and for the refund to appear in your account. If the item you ordered arrives physically damaged, defective, differs from its description on the product detail page, or is missing parts or accessories, it qualifies for a free replacement.

To qualify for returns, please take note of the following criteria:

  • The item was purchased less than 4 days ago.
  • It has not been worn, altered, or washed.
  • All original tags and labels are still attached.
  • Underwear has only been tried on over your own.
  • The item is not a bespoke or made-to-order piece.

How do I make a Return/Exchange?

  • Please email us at with your order number to initiate a return or exchange.
  • Specify whether you prefer an account credit or refund. Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.
  • Please ensure the items you’re returning are carefully packed in their original packaging to ensure safe return.
  • After shipping the item back to us, kindly provide the return tracking number for efficient processing of your return.


  1. For return or exchange inquiries, please contact us via email at  and include your order number.
  2. Please indicate whether you would prefer an account credit or a refund. Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.
  3. Please pack the items you are returning carefully in their original packaging to ensure safe delivery back to us.
  4. After you have shipped the item back to us, please provide us with the return tracking number to facilitate the smooth processing of your return.
  5. Upon receipt of your return package, please allow up to 10 business days for the processing of your return and for the refund to appear in your account.
  6. All returns should be shipped to: F201 Katjunagar Near South City Mall Kolkata-700045,West Bengal

We gladly accept returns within 25 days for a full refund. Should you encounter any difficulties with returning your product to us, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team. We’re here to assist you with any concerns you may have regarding the return process.
If the item you ordered arrives in a physically damaged or defective condition, differs from its description on the product detail page, or is missing parts or accessories, it qualifies for a free replacement.

Items must be returned in pristine condition: unworn, unwashed, undamaged, unused, and with all original tags attached. Please refer to the following tips to ensure your items remain eligible for return:

If you receive an item that is damaged, please contact customer service immediately.

Returns typically require 10-15 business days to process upon arrival at our facility. After processing your return and issuing the refund, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Please note that it may take several business days for the refund to appear in your credit card account, as this timeframe varies depending on your financial institution.

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